Huntress of My Eyes

In my life of infinite dreams
We stand atop the hill
Our sky at twilight
We are clouds
the colour of coral
The eyes of my soul paint you
Your form takes the colour of the setting sun
crimson and violet
The tongue of my soul learns the sour wine on your lips
Your eyes take the colour of the coming storm

My soul breathes you in
the wind speaks your velvet voice
across the darkening vale
Huntress of my eyes
I am the plunder of your nocturnal regard
as the dark waters of the night
pour into the World

Oh fisher of the starry nets
I am caught in the net of your music
the enclosure of your loving embrace
wide as the sky

My soul is born on the shore of the morning

Published by

Chyfrin the Celtic poet

Artist, Poet, Electrical/Biomedical Engineer, Actor, Playwright, Set construction, Educator, Lover of womankind and single malt scotch

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