the Bard Kye Pheous

the Bard Kye Pheous is not well liked
in fact
much the same can be said for all the Bards of Regwen

perchance it is their “uppity” attitude
perchance that they owe allegiance to no House
or the fact that they are skilled enough
in the dances of combat
to maintain their neutrality in a world that holds no store in such careers
it could also be their unfailing ability to use honesty
as a social weapon

suffice to say that the Bards are a House unto their own
and Kye Pheous is not well liked even among the Bards

Published by

Chyfrin the Celtic poet

Artist, Poet, Electrical/Biomedical Engineer, Actor, Playwright, Set construction, Educator, Lover of womankind and single malt scotch

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