The Promise

When first we met
I told you that all you would have to do
Is to tell me to ‘go’

But you couldn’t
You talked all around the issue
You clearly didn’t want me around
But you never worked up the courage
To tell me to ‘go’

So I asked you to ‘go’
But you wouldn’t leave
You kept coming back

Why are you confused
That when I see you
I walk away?

When we met
You asked me to teach you to write poetry
But after a bit
You stopped writing
You said it made you feel invisible
Made you feel turned inside out
Made you . . . some lesser thing

When I asked you why
You said it was your thing
And you didn’t feel like explaining it
Didn’t feel like exploring it
Didn’t feel .. .anything really
When I asked you
you turned and walked away
Why are you confused
That I no longer write?

Published by

Chyfrin the Celtic poet

Artist, Poet, Electrical/Biomedical Engineer, Actor, Playwright, Set construction, Educator, Lover of womankind and single malt scotch

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