you won’t have the same dream

tolling. . . .

sudden silence. . .

what now?

when the bell
over your head
stops ringing

when the last layers of decay
flake and peel off

when your pain compass
no longer points in any particular direction

what then?

when you wake up from the nightmare
you know that even if you fall asleep again
you won’t have the same dream

Published by

Chyfrin the Celtic poet

Artist, Poet, Electrical/Biomedical Engineer, Actor, Playwright, Set construction, Educator, Lover of womankind and single malt scotch

7 thoughts on “you won’t have the same dream”

  1. for some funny reason I read ‘trolling trolling’ as far as a response of a decayed troll’lool lool on the WWW with no moral compass and the nightmare of their never ending idiot talk…

    Liked by 1 person

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